Why Squarespace Is The Better Option Than Wix To Host Your Website On

As a designer, I’ve had lots of experience working with all types of clients and their website builds. Some clients come to me with a website that they want to upgrade, and others want to start completely from scratch.

One of the first questions that clients will ask about website design is:

“Wix or Squarespace?”

In my experience working with website platforms, Squarespace is the top choice among professional designers, and let me tell you why:


While Wix is beginner-friendly with its templates and drag-and-drop editor, it isn’t as customizable as Squarespace is. If you want to take your website to the next level, executing custom CSS and HTML to refine your website is easy to perform on Squarespace’s platform while Wix somewhat limits you to the template you’ve chosen.


Premade website templates are available on Wix and Squarespace, but what sets Squarespace apart is how modern and timeless their templates are in comparison. Wix has hundreds of templates but Squarespace’s are just better for when you want to take your website from looking like a school project to a real business. 


Changing website themes can be a nightmare on Wix. You pretty much have to start from the ground up if you ever decide to change up your website theme. All those graphics and copy that you’ve customized for your website won’t transfer to the new website theme as seamlessly as Squarespace’s editor does because Wix doesn’t have consistency between their themes and website editor. What works for your theme now probably won’t be conveyed when you want to make the switch. 


Squarespace’s editor makes changes on both your desktop version of your website and on mobile so that everything is consistent. Whether you’re viewing your website on your laptop, tablet, or phone, your website will always look beautiful no matter the size of the screen. Because of Wix’s unstructured editor, moving a photo even a pixel over can throw off the design of your website which means you have to make the same edits twice on Wix to make sure that the edit was properly executed. 


I’ve already mentioned how you can use custom CSS and HTML to edit the basic templates on Squarespace, whereas Wix is nowhere near as precise. While you can download apps from Wix to try to customize your website, you rely too much on apps that are not custom-made and 100% right for you.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started on your website design! Fill out the form on my contact page and tell me all about your business! From there, let’s schedule a virtual meeting, grab your beverage of choice, and let’s chat about your vision and how I can help.  

Web design and development services packages are available to suit your business needs.


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