5 Copywriting Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs Now

By Samantha Boettger founder of Sam Bee Writes, LLC. a copywriting service for wellness entrepreneurs and creatives who want to share consistent, engaging, branded copy with their audience. You can follow along on Instagram @sambeewrites or visit samanthaboettger.com

When you started your business, you probably didn’t think you were signing up to write 1,000-word essays on the reg. You thought those days were ancient history, left behind in your high school English class…

But now that you’re officially CEO, you realize how much writing is actually involved in running a successful business! They may not be essays, per se, but it can feel just as stressful! You find yourself constantly trying to create original copy for your... 

  • Website

  • Sales pages

  • Social media platforms

  • Advertisements 

  • Emails

  • Newsletters 

It can feel DAUNTING. 

You may even LIKE writing, but the process can feel like a never-ending maze of incomplete Google Docs and pages-long to-do lists. 

Some days it is impossible to get what’s in your head onto the page when you have so many other things rattling around in your mind...finances, client support, managing your team….the list goes on and on!

Typically, this is where a copywriter would step in. Copywriters are a huge asset to your business and help you stay in your zone of genius. We provide you with targeted messaging based on market research so you know your words are meaningful to your specific audience. Copywriters help find clarity so that your brilliant ideas land! Plus, we save business owners time, energy, and frustration-- which is...priceless!

While most business owners would eagerly jump on the chance to hire a copywriter, it may not be within reach for you right now. 

That’s okay! 

There is so much value in learning how to craft your own copy for your business, even if you DO eventually outsource a copywriter.

In the meantime, you can leverage the tools of a professional copywriter to help you work smarter, not harder. Even if you end up being able to outsource your writing tasks in the future, learning to write your own copy is the best skill you can develop as a business owner (next to learning how to do your taxes, I suppose). Check out the 5 copywriting tools I use on every single project to help me write clear, targeted, and engaging copy.

Before and after

Believe it or not, writing is more about what you do before and after than it is about putting pen to paper (or...fingers to keys). Most unsuccessful copy is a result of poor planning and non-existent editing. With the right tools and strategies, you can ditch these rookie copywriting mistakes for good!


Copywriters write...right?!

Well yes, but there is so much more to it! The reason copywriters are in demand (and can charge what they do) goes beyond being a good writer. Strong writing skills help, but being a good copywriter is kind of like being a detective. 

Before you even pick up the pen or open a fresh Google Doc you need to know who you’re talking to. If you wrote a really generic article on a topic hoping that anyone and everyone who reads it will relate, you’ll fail. One piece of copy can’t target every reader. Instead, you should hone in on your target audience by collecting clues.

To get to know your ideal audience, you’ll want to... 

→ spend time where they hang out 

(for example, do they use Facebook, Pinterest, Tik Tok, or Instagram?)

→ dig deep into what their current pains are and what solutions they’ve tried in the past

→ find out about their goals and aspirations so you can show them how you can be a part of their massive transformation!

But too often, business owners write their own copy without doing their homework! Instead of really understanding, they make assumptions and wonder why their messaging isn’t landing with their ideal customer. 

Moral of the story: you must do your research so you know that your topic and messaging will relate to your ideal audience. Not only will your copy be better in the end, but it will be so much easier to write! Case closed. 


It’s also crucial that you edit so that your writing not only sounds put together but reads in a voice that is familiar and appealing to your readers. Ignore these pieces, and no matter how much you write or how brilliant you are on the topic, your copy is going to fall flat. 

Remember, you aren’t editing for perfect punctuation and grammar. Instead, you are looking to write clearly and concisely in language that your audience will understand and relate to (hint, hint your research is REALLY going to come in handy here). 

Your New Copywriting Toolkit

Without further ado, let’s jump in! Here are the top 5 copywriting tools EVERY entrepreneur needs NOW!


If you could have ANY superpower, what would it be?

Mind Reader?

If that’s your answer, pick a different power like the ability to fly or be two places at once...

...because, when you use Answer the Public, you’re BASICALLY a mind reader already!

No idea what to write about? Never fear, Answer the Public is here to save the day! 

This tool lets you uncover what real people are wondering on Google. Find out exactly what people are searching for related to your subject (in a non-creepy way).

Type in any topic, brand, or product, and Answer the Public will show you what people are wondering. 

For example, when I type in “copywriting” I can easily see that people are looking for information about…

“How to start a copywriting business without a degree.”


“What is the difference between copywriting and content writing?”

These are two great jumping-off points for my next blog post or email newsletter. Plus, I can feel confident it’s a subject people are ACTUALLY interested in before I sit down to write.


This is a lesser-known app in the general entrepreneur world, but copywriters know the Copyhackers name well. Copyhackers founder, Joanna Wiebe created a tool to help Copywriters write better, faster, stronger… yes, kind of like the Kanye West song... 

I use this tool as I collect data about a target audience and establish “avatars” or “personas”. If I am writing for a skincare company, for example, each of my audience avatars will have different interests, pains, experiences, and goals. Airstory lets me collect all of this data in one place. 

As I research, I can quickly clip text and organize it into categories within the app. I especially enjoy using this tool when I am searching for “voice of customer data” 

→ P.S. Facebook groups related to your audience are an amazing place to capture your ideal client’s hopes, challenges, and wishes in their OWN WORDS ← 

Once I sit down to write, I am never at a loss of what to say. I have the words, right from the source, to get me started! Plus, I know my writing will resonate with my audience because I took the time to dig deep into their mindset so that I can best serve them and help them achieve their desired transformation. 


As the late author, Hemingway famously said, “Write drunk, edit sober.” Sometimes you don’t even need to be drunk to feel like your words are as scrambled as eggs. BUT the important thing is that you got your ideas on the page-- at least that’s how I interpret Ernest’s words.

Hemingway was known for his abrupt, to-the-point language. Copywriters also need to consider being punchy in their writing. Can you say the same thing more concisely? We channel our inner Hemingway all the time to clean up our copy so it’s crisp and easy to read. 

Hemingway App helps you do the same! This is a free editing tool that will help you polish your writing like a pro. There is a paid version that will let you use it offline, but the FREE web-based version is all I’ve ever needed. 

What this copywriter loves most...

  • Readability score

    • Quickly assess how easy your writing is to read. Did you know that most copy should be at about a 6th-grade reading level or BELOW? Boomerang did a study and they actually suggest that email copy written at a 3rd-grade reading level will receive 36% more responses from readers. I don’t share this to insult your readers' intelligence, but to remind you that your audience’s time is valuable and their attention waivers easily. They want to be able to grab the info they’re looking for and go. This Readability Score lets you keep it simple!

  • Blue Adverb Identifier

    • Now I adore an amazingly adorable adverb as much as the next person, but sometimes they bog down your writing. Using this feature will require your judgement because some adverbs are essential and can drive the point home. This tool is helpful for writers who find themselves leaning on words like “really” or “extremely” in a way that is harmful, not helpful. 

  • Simpler word alternative

    • Sometimes we like to get fancy. Yes, there is a time and a place for some fun vocabulary. But is it necessary to choose the word “utilize” when you could just say “use”? Sometimes the flowery language is distracting to your readers. Ultimately, you decide. But, this tool will help you pay attention to patterns and unnecessary fluff in your writing. 


Yep, I use not one, but TWO editing apps to polish my writing. “Why”, you ask? Well, while both Hemingway app and Grammarly will dot your i’s and cross your t’s, they both have exclusive features that the other does not. While I use the Hemingway app to notice patterns and develop intention in my writing style and choices, I use Grammarly a bit differently and I appreciate a new perspective. 

Now, if you have a Gmail account, you’ve probably interacted with Grammarly when you’ve spelled something wrong or left out a letter. The web-based version of Grammarly takes spell check to another level. 

What this copywriter loves most...

  • Set Writing Goals

    • Not all writing should be assessed the same. I love that Grammarly considers the purpose of your writing and the audience. You can rate your audience as novice, general, or expert. You can also tell the app how formal or informal you want your writing to sound so that it can help you meet your unique writing goals. 

  • Overall Score

    • Maybe it’s the nerd in me or the fact that I’m a former school teacher, but I love that the overall score is like a grade. This is so simple for me to interpret, and I find it really gratifying to edit and see my score improve from a 95 to a 99!

  • Educational

    • I feel like I get a free grammar lesson every time I use this app (and I consider myself to be pretty grammar-savvy). I love that the app doesn’t just suggest the edit but explains WHY so that you can learn and improve your own writing in the future.


It’s simple but true. I’m a big Google Docs Fan! No other word processor offers the integration, seamlessness, and efficiency that the Google Suite does. As a writer, I need to be able to make notes, get feedback from business partners and clients, and work seamlessly in one document.

What this copywriter loves most...

  • Explore

    • Did you know you can do research or look something up right in Google Docs? Select Explore from the Tools drop-down menu. Easily find websites, articles, photos, and even shared Drive files without leaving the tab! Trust me, the fewer tabs you have open the better!

  • Comments

    • I love being able to collaborate with a team member or client in real-time. Plus, I can see exactly which part of the document they are referring to without having to scan through or get mixed up. When the comment or feedback is addressed, I simply mark it as resolved so we can keep up with outstanding items on our to-do list.

  • Assignments

    • In a past life, I was a classroom teacher, so maybe the ability to give an assignment is nostalgic for me...but it’s also super useful! If I need someone to look at a specific portion of a document, I can easily assign it to them. This sends them an email with the details about my request. This is really helpful if I need to clarify information or get more details on a topic I’m writing about directly from the source.


But, Sam, you said there were FIVE tools, what is this extra wonderfulness you’re sharing with us?! Well, my friends, it’s what I like to call a good old-fashioned BONUS. If I’ve learned anything as an entrepreneur it’s that going above and beyond is ALWAYS the right choice. I strive to over deliver at... 




Now, this last tool may get overlooked, but saves the day for me time and time again! You know when you’re so close to a piece of writing, the words all blend together and you can’t stand to stare at the letters for a second longer? That’s when I use Speechify, an app that reads for you! It helps me hear those choppy, awkward sentences that I would have otherwise overlooked. What I value about this app is you can choose from some really unique voices that don’t sound like miserable robots.

What this copywriter loves most...

  • It will read almost ANYTHING

    • Speechify will read any digital text (on an email, PDF, website, Google Doc, you name it). This has been a game-changer for me. Not only can I listen to my own writing, but I can listen to an article while doing research and taking notes (yes I often take notes the old-fashioned way with paper and pencil-- can’t help it!) or catch up on emails.

  • Screen Breaks

    • I can keep working on my project without looking at my screen. My eyes are grateful, ya’ll! I can easily listen to what I wrote while walking the dog, washing the dishes, or just closing my eyes for a much-needed screen break. 

  • Voices

    • You have tons of different voices to choose from with unique tones, accents, and qualities. Most are pretty smooth and natural sounding. My favorite voice, you may ask? Gwenyth Paltrow- so cool right?!

  • Inclusivity

    • While this tool is helpful to anyone and everyone it was built with disabilities in mind. Speechify’s goal is to help make the text more accessible to individuals with ADHD, dyslexia, concussions, and more. Their mission is something I absolutely stand behind and am proud to support with my business. 

The recap

Even the best writers need support, so why wouldn't YOU? Seeking help and support is a sign of strength and humility, not weakness. Leaning on these copywriting tools will empower you to kick writer’s block to the curb while putting out consistent, high-quality content that converts. Try these tools out and let us know how it goes. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Which one is your favorite? OR, is there a different writing tool you’ve been raving about to your business besties?


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